Friday, August 16, 2013

The Purpose of Sex

      My beloved child,
      The peace of Our Lord Jesus be upon you. May the Holy Spirit give you divine wisdom and light to see what the human eyes can not see.
      This topic is not easy to talk, but it`s necessary. What I will tell you might shock you and many people who live the modern world.
     The purpose of sex is for procriation only. Let`s make it clear. Sex is for marriage only. Sex is for a married couple, man and woman, for the purpose to bear children for God. What can be more easy and holy than to do Go`s will? Pray, my dear, pray to not enter into temptation of flesh, the temptation of sex. The media, television shows, music is full of school they teach sexual education, the talks with friends go into sex..the online chats can go into sex talks..the goverment does not promote abstinence !what terrible temptation, my dear. Be strong!
  Nowsdays many people live together, many and many people have sex before marriage, we don`t see virgin brides anymore, it is reflected on their immodest wedding dresses. If we tell them sex before marriage is a mortal sin, they get mad at us! They accuse us of fanatism, bigots and to not have compassion for them...but how can we have compassion for mortal sins? sex before marriage is a mortal sin. It says in the Bible many times.
Abstinence is God’s only policy when it comes to sex before marriage. Abstinence honors God. We are the temples of the Holy Spirit, God did not make us for immorality. 

 "For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality"(1 Thessalonians 4:3)

May God bless you and give you wisdom.