Monday, July 22, 2013

Holy Marriage

    My beloved child,
   I wish and pray that you have a very happy and long marriage ! May God make you fruitful and multiply !
  Before marrying someone, just think and think. Is he the one? Is he the one who you will spend the rest of your life? Remember one thing, my beautiful child, the marriage is a sacrament created by God, between one man and one woman. A marriage blessed at the Catholic church is forever, nothing can take that away, no divorce can take that spiritual bond away...only death. They are married until one of them die. So don`t go into a modern mentality to think that if you don't get along with your husband, you can divorce and re marry. No, no. As Our Lord Jesus said, if someone divorce someone and get married to another, that person is committing adultery! It does not matter if they are not living together anymore for many years and lost contact with each other, they are still married until one of them die. And if they date someone or marry someone, so it is adultery! Even for a married person who look and have lust thoughts to another person, even in their mind, it is adultery !The marriage vows said at your wedding day before the altar of the Lord is a spiritual covenant that is forever. You don`t see with your eyes, but it is there!
    Now let me say something about the civil marriage, getting married by the judge only, and very popular now everywhere. Don`t go there ! They are not married before God`s eyes. For God they are still single! They are single people living together in sin!See the difference here? what is more important to us, to obey the laws of liberal people or obey our God who can save our souls?? We have been invited to "wedding" outside the Church before, for a family member and we never went, we just can not! If a good Catholic go to a such event, so it means by their presence they are approving this sinful lifestyle! We just can not go there, my conscience say that marriage is not from God. If I `m invited for such a thing, I never go. I don`t want to give impression that I approve such a thing, also I don't want to sin against my God.
      I have seen a lot of people, even Catholics from my family side in Brazil to do that. They get married at Catholic church, then they get a divorce and start to date right away. And some had a bad decision to get married by the judge only. And also some Catholic who got married at the church, and then they want to get annulment in order to get married again. This is a slap in God`s sacred covenant. The annulment should be approved only in very special cases, very few cases, in case of bigamy or when they found out some dark past of their spouses after marriage. The rest could not apply, specially if they have children in the marriage. If they are very unhappy in their married life, they need to accept God`s will and the life God gave them. If their lives are in risk, in case of extreme domestic violence, they can separate(living apart), but no divorce..and in such sad situation, they can not cheat on their spouses, they need to be faithful to their spouses and never date anyone, not even look at anyone. If they do that, they have good chance of salvation.
   My dear, don`t get married if you are crazy in love for someone, to marry in the fire of the passion is very risky, because you don't see his defects. And believe me, nobody is perfect, some are very good, and some are not. You need to learn more about him. Don`t marry thinking only on a huge and beautiful wedding party..the party last some hours, but the marriage life is forever. After the honeymoon time, so the marriage life starts in its reality. I am not saying that married life is bad, it is very good, actually, when you meet the right guy.
  For a marriage last forever, you need patience, love, sometimes more patience than love, understanding, companionship(yes, it is right, the best husband would be your best friend), trust each other, respect each other,  have good jokes together, have good relations with both sides of the family, and specially specially good relationship with God! Make Jesus the center of your new family! Invite Him to live in your home! Obey Him commands! Go to Mass every Sunday with your husband. Volunteer together at your parish, this will make your marriage strong! Let your husband be the leader of the house, the leader of the family, submit to him. I know this could be hard for you, who is from modern world, but is God`s law that the wife must submit to her husband, without complaining, with respect, joy and love. Your husband is the leader of the house and you are his helper. What a blessing is!
   When you get married, my child, do not postpone children like the modern and liberal people do. We are the chosen ones of God, we are to obey Him. God said "be fruitful and multiply". Do not take birth control pills or any form of contraception, these things were created by the devil who hate God`s creation and hate life. Be fruitful and multiply, my child. I wish, i wish i could know this before i got married. Nobody told me so. I have so many regrets now. I wish i could have 10 children or more, as many children as God wanted for me. Let all wives be like fruitful trees. What a beautiful thing is obeying God in everything! We have that peace  and joy in our life. Just think about it.
 God love you!
May God bless you!
Look at this beautiful picture. The bride is being blessed by her father just before going to her groom.